3. Using synctool

The main power of synctool is the fact that you can define logical groups, and you can add these to a filename as a filename extension. This will result in the file being copied, only if the node belongs to the same group. The groups a node is in, are defined in the synctool.conf file. In the configuration file, the nodename is associated with one or more groups. The nodename itself can also be used as a group to indicate that a file belongs to that node.

Under the synctool root there are these interesting directories:

This is referred to as ‘the repository’.

The overlay/ tree contains files that have to be copied to the target nodes. When synctool detects a difference between a file on the system and a file in the overlay tree, the file will be copied from the overlay tree onto the node.

The delete/ tree contains files that always have to be deleted from the nodes. Only the filename matters, so it is alright if the files in this tree are only zero bytes in size.

The purge/ tree contains directories that are copied as-is to the nodes, and deleting any files on the target node that are unmanaged — files that should not be there.

synctool uses rsync to copy these trees to the node, and afterwards it runs the synctool-client command on that node. Note that it is perfectly possible to run synctool-client on a node by hand, in which case it will check its local copy of the repository. The client by itself will not synchronize with the master repository; synctool works with server push and not client pull.

Previously, synctool was located under /var/lib/synctool/. It worked for me (tm), except that the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) has various things to say about it:

  • thou shalt put configuration files under an etc/ directory;
  • thou shalt not execute programs from the /var partition;
  • /var may be mounted read-only;
  • programs that want to keep things together, should use /opt.

If you have difficulty with getting used to synctool’s new root, try this:

  • symlink /var/lib/synctool -> /opt/synctool/var
  • export overlay=/opt/synctool/var/overlay ; cd $overlay

3.1 Populating the repository

In the repository you will store all the important system configuration files of the cluster nodes. The overlay directory represents the root directory of the cluster nodes. By assigning an extension to a file in the repository, you can tell synctool what nodes should get what copy of a file. Consider this example:


Here, worker nodes (nodes tagged with group wn in synctool.conf) will get the file ntp.conf._wn for /etc/ntp.conf. Node node1 is special and gets a different file. All other nodes will get ntp.conf._all.

There is a special group named 'none'. Files with the extension ._none will be copied to no nodes at all. This can be convenient when you temporarily wish to ‘disable’ a file.

synctool responds to the directory directly under overlay/; it selects this subtree as a candidate when the node has a matching group. For example,


this file will only be used on worker nodes because it resides in the overlay directory specific to the group wn.

Tip: Do not make group-specific overlay directories for each and every group. Instead, think about what subclusters you have, and arrange your repository accordingly. See also chapter 5 on Best Practices.

In synctool version 5, you would configure ‘overlaydir’ and synctool would still consider all overlay directories no matter what name the subdirectory had. In synctool 6, the group is strictly enforced and the subtree is synced to only those nodes that are in the group. Slave nodes are special; they get a full copy of the repository.

To populate the repository, you can scp files from nodes, or you can use synctool’s super convenient upload feature:

synctool -n node1 --upload /etc/ntp.conf
synctool -n node1 -u /etc/ntp.conf

synctool will automatically choose an extension for the file to save. If you disagree and want a different suffix, choose one:

synctool -n node1 --upload /etc/ntp.conf --suffix wn
synctool -n node1 -u /etc/ntp.conf -s wn

synctool will suggest the overlay directory where to put the file in the repository. If you disagree, use:

synctool -n node1 --upload /etc/ntp.conf --overlay mycluster
synctool -n node1 -u /etc/ntp.conf -o mycluster

By default synctool does a dry run. It will not do anything but show what would happen if this would not be a dry run. Add -f or --fix to really upload the file.

Now edit the the uploaded ntp.conf, make some changes and run synctool:

root@masternode:/# synctool
node1: DRY RUN, not doing any updates
node1: /etc/ntp.conf updated (file size mismatch)

Again, synctool does a dry run. It shows the file is going to be updated because there is a mismatch in the file size. Should the file size be the same, synctool will calculate an MD5 checksum to see whether the file was changed or not.

You may want to review your changes before applying them, or inspect the difference between the version in the repository with what’s currently installed on a node:

synctool -n node1 --diff /etc/ntp.conf
synctool -n node1 -d /etc/ntp.conf

This will present a UNIX ‘diff’ of the files. Note the destination path in the syntax of the command.

To apply the change, you could now run synctool with option --fix. But maybe it’s better to read on, we are going to have synctool automatically reload the ntpd after updating the ntp.conf file.

3.2 Adding actions to updates

Now I would like the ntpd to be automatically reloaded after I change the ntp.conf file. This is done by adding a trigger script, in synctool-speak known as a “.post” script.

Make a new file overlay/all/etc/ntp.conf.post and put only this line in it:

service ntp reload

Make the .post script executable: chmod +x ntp.conf.post.

The .post script will be run when the file changes:

root@masternode:/# synctool -f
node1: /etc/ntp.conf updated (file size mismatch)
node1: running command $overlay/all/etc/ntp.conf.post

The .post script is run after synctool updated the file, and likewise, you may also create a .pre script that runs before the update:

root@masternode:/# synctool -f
node1: running command $overlay/all/etc/ntp.conf.pre
node1: /etc/ntp.conf updated (file size mismatch)
node1: running command $overlay/all/etc/ntp.conf.post

The .pre and .post scripts are executed in the directory where the accompanying file resides; in this case /etc/. It is possible to add a group extension to the script, so that you can have one group of nodes perform different actions than another.

The scripts are run with sh -c. Note that /bin/sh is often not the same as bash, so some clever shell scripting tricks may not work. However, you can fix this by including “#!/bin/bash” in the top of the .post script.

In the environment you will find two variables that might be useful:

So expanding on that, $SYNCTOOL_ROOT/bin/ is the bindir, and the repository is found under $SYNCTOOL_ROOT/var/overlay/.

A .post script for a directory will trigger when any file in that directory changes. This is particularly useful for daemons that have multiple config files in a directory, such as conf.d, or, for example, /etc/cron.d. A .pre script for a directory will only trigger if the directory does not exist and will be created.

3.3 Other useful options

The option -q of synctool gives less output:

root@masternode:/# synctool -q
node3: /etc/xinetd.d/identd updated (file size mismatch)

If -q still gives too much output, because you have many nodes in your cluster, it is possible to specify -a to condense (aggregate) output. The condensed output groups together output that is the same for many nodes.

One of my favorite commands is synctool -qa. You may also use option -a to condense output from dsh, for example

# dsh -a date

# dsh-ping -a

The option -f or --fix applies all changes. Always be sure to run synctool at least once as a dry run! (without -f). Mind that synctool does not lock the repository and does not guard against concurrent use by multiple sysadmins at once. In practice, this hardly ever leads to any problems.

To update only a single file rather than all files, use the option --single or -1 (that’s a number one, not the letter ell). You may give multiple --single options to update multiple files at once.

If you want to check what file synctool is using for a given destination file, use option -ref or -r:

root@masternode:/# synctool -q -n node1 -r /etc/resolv.conf
node1: /etc/resolv.conf._somegroup

synctool can be run on a subset of nodes, a group, or even on individual nodes using the options --node or -n, --group or -g, --exclude or -x, and --exclude-group or -X. This also works for dsh and friends, and you may use the range syntax to select a range of nodes. For example:

# synctool -g batch,sched -X rack8

More examples:

# dsh -n node1,node2,node3 date
# dsh -n node[1-3] date
# dsh -n node[01-10] -x node[05-07] hostname
# dsh -n node[02-10/2,05,07] hostname

Copy a file to three nodes:

# dsh-cp -n node[1-3] patchfile-1.0.tar.gz /tmp

After rebooting a cluster, use dsh-ping to see if the nodes respond to ping yet. You may also do this on a group of nodes:

# dsh-ping -g rack4

The option -v gives verbose output. This is another way of displaying the logic that synctool performs:

# synctool -v
node3: checking $overlay/all/etc/tcpd_banner.production._all
node3: overridden by $overlay/all/etc/tcpd_banner.production._batch
node3: checking $overlay/all/etc/issue.net.production._all
node3: checking $overlay/all/etc/syslog.conf._all
node3: checking $overlay/all/etc/issue.production._all
node3: checking $overlay/all/etc/modules.conf._all
node3: checking $overlay/all/etc/hosts.allow.production._interactive
node3: skipping $overlay/all/etc/hosts.allow.production._interactive,
it is not one of my groups

The option --unix produces UNIX-style output. This shows in standard shell syntax just what synctool is about to do.

root@masternode:/# synctool --unix
node3: # updating file /etc/xinetd.d/identd
node3: mv /etc/xinetd.d/identd /etc/xinetd.d/identd.saved
node3: umask 077
node3: cp /var/lib/synctool/overlay/etc/xinetd.d/identd._all
node3: chown root.root /etc/xinetd.d/identd
node3: chmod 0644 /etc/xinetd.d/identd

synctool does not apply changes by executing shell commands; all operations are programmed in Python. The option --unix is only a way of displaying what synctool does, and may be useful when debugging.

The option -T option produces terse output. In terse mode, long paths are abbreviated in an attempt to fit them on a single line of 80 characters wide. Terse mode can be made to give colored output through synctool.conf.

root@masternode# synctool -n n1 -T
n1: DRYRUN not doing any updates
n1: mkdir /Users/walter/src/.../testroot/etc/cron.daily
n1: new /Users/walter/src/.../testroot/etc/cron.daily/testfile
n1: exec //overlay/Users/.../testroot/etc/cron.daily.post

Note that these abbreviated paths can still be copy-and-pasted and used with other synctool commands like --single and --diff. synctool will recognize the abbreviated path and expand it on the fly. In the case of any name clashes synctool will report this and present a list of possibilities for you to consider.

The option --skip-rsync skips the rsync run that copies the repository from the master to the client node. You may use this option when you are absolutely certain that the master and client are already in sync, for example if you just ran synctool to examine any changes. In general, this option is unnecessary, but it may be efficient if you are working with slow network links or a large synctool repository.

3.4 Templates

For ‘dynamic’ config files, synctool has a feature called templates. There are a number of rather standard configuration files that (for example) require the IP address of a node to be listed. These are not particularly synctool friendly. You are free to upload each and every unique instance of the config file in question into the repository, however, if your cluster is large this does not make your repository look very nice, nor does it make them any easier to handle. Instead, make a template and couple it with a ._template.post script that calls synctool-template to generate the config file on the node.

As an example, I will use a fictional snippet of config file, but this trick applies to things like sshd_config with a specific ListenAddress in it, and network configuration files that have static IPs configured.

# fiction.conf._template
MyPort 22
MyIPAddress @IPADDR@
SomeOption no
PrintMotd yes

And the accompanying fiction.conf._template.post script:

#! /bin/sh
IPADDR=`ifconfig en0 | awk '/inet / { print $2 }'`
export IPADDR
/opt/synctool/bin/synctool-template "$1" >"$2"

This example uses ifconfig to get the IP address of the node. You may also use the ip addr command, consult DNS or you might be able to use synctool-config to get what you need.

The synctool-template command takes as input the template file (“$1“) and redirects the output to a newly generated file (“$2“). The “$2” on the last line expands to fiction.conf._nodename. Hence, synctool generates a new config file in the repository. It does so even on dry runs; you can ask synctool to display a diff of fiction.conf even though it is templated.

Note not to redirect the output of synctool-template directly over the target file. Doing that is destructive and wrong; it defies synctool’s dry-run mode and keeps you from being able to review changes, a core function of synctool.

Instead of using synctool-template, you might use the UNIX sed command. If you have multiple variables to replace, synctool-template is more easy. synctool-template accepts variables either from the command-line or from the shell environment. Like with regular .post scripts, the environment variables SYNCTOOL_NODE and SYNCTOOL_ROOT are also present here. However unlike regular .post scripts, template post scripts require a #! hashbang line. This is required for shell arguments (like “$1“, “$2“) to work.

Now, when you want to change the configuration, edit the template file. synctool will fill in the template and see the difference with the target file.

Template files and template post scripts can have group extensions to select different templates for certain groups of nodes.

If you want to automatically reload or restart a service after updating fiction.conf, you’ll also have to implement a regular .post script for that: fiction.conf.post.

3.5 Purge directories

In the previous sections we saw how you can use the overlay/ and delete/ trees to manage your cluster. synctool has a third mechanism of syncing files, and it works with the purge/ tree. Purge directories are great for mirroring entire directory trees to groups of nodes.

Unlike with the overlay/ tree, files in the purge/ tree do not have group extensions. Instead, synctool will copy the entire subtree and it will delete any files on the target node that do not reside in the source tree. So, it will make a perfect mirror of the source under purge/.

To populate the purge/ tree, use --upload with the --purge option:

# synctool -n n1 --upload /usr/local --purge compute
# synctool -n n1 -u /usr/local -p compute

In this example, we want to upload the entire /usr/local tree from node n1 to the repository directory /opt/synctool/var/purge/compute/. Afterwards, all compute nodes will get /usr/local synced via the purge mechanism by running synctool -f.

Purging is a blunt but effective means to synchronise directory trees. Mind that it will delete data that is not supposed to be there, so be careful with this feature. For added safety, synctool will not allow you to purge the root directory of a system.

Under the hood, synctool employs rsync to purge files. Hence, you can not trigger actions through .post scripts in the purge directory, but it is possible to use synctool --diff, --ref, and even --single with files that reside under purge/.

Remember that purging is for making perfect mirrors. It is like sharing a directory across nodes. Once you start differentiating directory content between nodes, “purge” will no longer work in a satisfying way; in such a case, you should really use overlay/ rather than purge/.

dsh-cp also has an option --purge to quickly mirror directories across nodes. Use with care.

3.6 The order of operations

The previous sections described a lot of operations that synctool performs when it runs. This section summarises what we have seen so far. For a normal synctool run, the order of operations is roughly as follows.

  1. synchronise the synctool installdir to each node. This synchronises the repository as well as the main program and config file. Any subtrees under overlay, delete, and purge that do not apply for the target node, are excluded.
  2. run synctool-client on the nodes
  3. synctool-client mirrors the purge directory
  4. synctool-client processes the overlay directory;
    • generate templates by running .template.post scripts
    • compare files
      • check filetype
      • check file size
      • check MD5 checksum
      • check file ownership
      • check file mode
    • make backup copies
    • update files as needed
    • run .post script for any updated files
    • run .post script (if any) for changed directories
  5. synctool-client deletes files listed in the delete directory
    • run .post script (if any) for deleted files
    • run .post script (if any) for changed directories

3.7 dsh-pkg, the synctool package manager

synctool comes with a package manager named dsh-pkg. Rather than being yet another package manager with its own format of packages, dsh-pkg is a wrapper around existing package management software. dsh-pkg unifies all the different package managers out there so you can operate any of them using just one command and the same set of command-line arguments. This is particularly useful in heterogeneous clusters or when you are working with multiple platforms or distributions.

dsh-pkg supports a number of different package management systems and will detect the appropriate package manager for the operating system of the node. If detection fails, you may force the package manager on the command-line or in synctool.conf:

package_manager apt-get
#package_manager yum
#package_manager zypper
#package_manager pacman
#package_manager brew
#package_manager pkg
#package_manager bsdpkg

dsh-pkg knows about more platforms and package managers, but currently only the ones listed above are implemented and supported.

dsh-pkg is pluggable. Adding support for other package management systems is rather easy. If your platform and/or favorite package manager is not yet supported, feel free to develop your own plug-in for dsh-pkg or contact the author of synctool.

The pkg module is for FreeBSD, use bsdpkg on other BSD systems.

Following are examples of how to use synctool-pkg.

dsh-pkg -n node1 --list
dsh-pkg -n node1 --list wget
dsh-pkg -g batch --install lynx wget curl
dsh-pkg -g batch -x node3 --remove somepackage

Sometimes you need to refresh the contents of the local package database. You can do this with the ‘update’ command:

dsh-pkg -qa --update

You may check for software upgrades for the node with --upgrade. This will only show what upgrades are available. To really upgrade a node, specify --fix. It is wise to always test an upgrade on a single node.

dsh-pkg --upgrade
dsh-pkg -n testnode --upgrade -f
dsh-pkg --upgrade -f

Package managers download their packages into an on-disk cache. Sometimes the disk fills up and you may want to clean out the disk cache:

dsh-pkg -qa --clean

A specific package manager may be selected from the command-line.

dsh-pkg -m yum -i somepackage   # force it to use yum

If you want to further examine what dsh-pkg is doing, you may specify --verbose or --unix to display more information about what is going on under the hood.

3.8 Ignoring them: I’m not touching you

By using directives in the synctool.conf file, synctool can be told to ignore certain files, nodes, or groups. These will be excluded, skipped. For example:

ignore_dotfiles no
ignore_dotdirs yes
ignore .svn
ignore .gitignore .git
ignore .*.swp

synctool will not run on ignored nodes or on nodes that are in a group that is ignored:

ignore_node node1 node2
ignore_group broken

3.9 Backup copies

For any file synctool updates, it keeps a backup copy around on the target node with the extension .saved. If you don’t like this, you can tell synctool to not make any backup copies with:

backup_copies no

It is however highly recommended that you run with backup_copies enabled. You can manually specify that you want to remove backup copies using:

synctool --erase-saved
synctool -e

To erase a single .saved file, use option --single in combination with --erase-saved.

For some (Linux) directories like /etc/cron.d/ and /etc/xinet.d/, it is not OK to keep .saved files around because it influences how the daemons function. For these directories it is recommended that you implement a .post script that removes the backup copies, like so:

# $overlay/all/etc/xinetd.d.post
rm -f *.saved
service xinetd reload

Alternatively, you may want to move the backup copies to a safe location.

3.10 Logging

When using option --fix to apply changes, synctool logs the made changes to syslog on the master node. It provides a trace of what was changed on the systems. On large clusters, this may produce a lot of log records. If you don’t want any logging, you can disable it in synctool.conf:

syslogging no

When you do use syslogging, you may want to split off the synctool messages to a separate file like /var/log/synctool.log. Please see your syslogd manual on how to do this. In the contrib/ directory in the synctool source, you will find config files for use with syslog-ng and logrotate.

3.11 About symbolic links

synctool requires all files in the repository to have an extension (well … unless you changed the default configuration), and symbolic links must have extensions too. Symbolic links in the repository will be dead symlinks but they will point to the correct destination on the target node.

Consider the following example, where file does not exist ‘as is’ in the repository:

$overlay/all/etc/motd._red -> file

In the repository, motd._red is a red & dead symlink to file. On the target node, /etc/motd is going to be fine.

3.12 Slow updates

By default, synctool addresses the nodes in parallel, and they are running updates concurrently. In some cases, like when doing rolling upgrades, you will not want to have this parallelism. There are two easy ways around this.

dsh --numproc=1 uptime
dsh -p 1 uptime

dsh --zzz=10 uptime
dsh -z 10 uptime

The first one tells synctool (or in this case, dsh) to run only one process at a time. The second does the same thing, and sleeps for ten seconds after running the command.

Suppose you have a 60 node cluster, and run with --zzz=60. You now have to wait at least one hour for the run to complete.

The options --numproc and --zzz work for both synctool and dsh programs.

3.13 Checking for updates

synctool can check whether a new version of synctool itself is available by using the option --check-update on the master node. You can check periodically for updates by using --check-update in a crontab entry. To download the latest version, run synctool --download on the master node. These functions connect to the main website at www.heiho.net/synctool.

3.14 Running tasks with synctool

synctool’s dsh command is ideal for running commands on groups of nodes. On occasion, you will also want to run custom scripts with dsh. These scripts can be placed in scripts/, and dsh will find them. When running a command that resides under scripts/, dsh will sync this script to the target node prior to running the command on the remote side. This is done to make sure that always the ‘current’ version of the script runs on the target node.

For example, if you have a script /opt/synctool/scripts/admin_example.sh then you might run:

dsh -n node1 admin_example.sh

No path to the script is required; dsh will find it.

Previous versions had a tasks/ directory under the repository and you could invoke synctool with the --tasks option. This mechanism has been obsoleted by dsh and the scripts/ directory.

Note that you can write scripts to do software package installations, but you may also use the dsh-pkg command.

3.15 Multiplexed connections

synctool and dsh can multiplex SSH connections over a ‘master’ connection. This feature greatly speeds up synctool and dsh because it allows skipping the costly SSL handshake. Multiplexing is started through dsh:

dsh -M          # start master connections
dsh -O check    # check master connections
dsh -O stop     # stop master connections
dsh -O exit     # terminate master connections

You may also do this for certain groups or nodes, like so:

dsh -g all -M
dsh -n node1 -O check

synctool will detect any open control paths and use them if they are present. The control paths (socket files) to each node are kept under synctool’s temp directory (by default: /tmp/synctool/sshmux/). These control paths are managed by ssh mux processes that are running in the background. If your cluster is very large, you might find the large number of ssh mux processes on the management node to be objectionable. These processes are mostly sleeping so it shouldn’t pose a problem. The control paths may be given a timeout by using the config parameter ssh_control_persist. Note that this parameter is only supported for OpenSSH 5.6 and later. The timeout may also be specified on the command-line:

dsh -M --persist 4h

The ControlMaster and ControlPath options of ssh first appeared in OpenSSH version 3.9. synctool also supports ControlPersist, which is present in OpenSSH version 5.6 and later. See man ssh_config for more information on these OpenSSH options.